miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2011

English and virtual antioquia

Virtual Antioquia the century XXI Program is a long-term strategy, whose main purpose is to provide educational institutions of the Department of the technological infrastructure, and social components of virtual ownership (SOCVIR) more relevant, useful for generating scenarios, modern functional and to improve the conditions of access to information and communication, so that members of the departmental education community has the best conditions for access, awareness, use and appropriation of ICT in student life and in your everyday life.

The program already ran its first two phases, with different solutions and features, and is currently working on implementing the third phase, with significant achievements in terms of coverage, improved indicators associated with reducing the digital divide.

Importance of English

English is the official language of the globalized world we are living. Behold, the main reason why it is important, as we shall see, this has several implications especially in the workplace, business and computing.English was born in northern Europe. This language has Germanic roots, is a language that is established and developed in Britain. Is this nation since its inception, is responsible for dispersing the English to the world through their colonies.With regard to the history of English, one can say that this is born in the British Isles, among the tribes of Germania, what is now northern Germany.
This should, in the year 449 AD, the king of the British Isles, has requested assistance from the Germanic tribes, the Angles, Saxons and Jutes, to get rid of another nearby town. So, how are you tribes settled in Britain and ushered in the Anglo-Saxon language, or as it is known today, the English language.

video of the importance of English for our lives

Made by: Alexander Clavijo Garcia